Grassroots Ministry: Compassionate Heart
Stephanie Langley, Jemima Welsh, Rebecca Goodyear (Brisbane)
2021 marks the 160th Anniversary of All Hallows’ School in Brisbane and notably also the anniversary of Mercy Education in Queensland. This presentation highlights how influential women in our local history have shaped generations of young women to flourish through educating with a focus on compassion.
The three women written to in these presentations are Mother Vincent Whitty – foundress of All Hallows’ School, Florence O’Reilly- major benefactor of the School and Sr Mary Ronan who was instrumental in developing the Mercy Action program at the school.
Letter to Mother Vincent Whitty - read by Stephanie Langley
Further information about Mother Vincent Whitty can be found on the Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation website here
Dear Florence O'Reilly - read by Jemima Welsh
Further information about Florence O'Reilly can be found on the Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation website here
Dear Sister Mary Ronan - read by Rebecca Goodyear
Further information about Sr Mary Ronan can be found in the Australian Dictionary of Biography here
Spanish translation using DeepL Translator. Traducción al español con DeepL Translator
Steph Langley attended All Hallows’ School during the period 2007-2011. In 2016 Steph became a High School Teacher at All Hallows’ and is currently a Business and Accounting Teacher at the School. In addition to her curriculum work, Steph has spent time in the pastoral care role of Head of House- Adderton. In 2019 she was the facilitator of the Young Mercy Leaders Conference in Dublin, Ireland and currently holds the position as President of Brisbane Actioning Mercy (BAM).
Jemima Welsh attended All Hallows’ School during the period 2002-2007. Jemima held the position of School Captain in her final year. Jemima is a Director of ImpaQt Qld and a 2019/20 Mercy Global Action Emerging Leaders Fellow (UN). Her final presentation was on the topic 'Mercy as Money'. She is a former Board Member at Queensland Social Enterprise Council and a QUT MBA Business Coach (2020). Jemima is on the Foundation Board for All Hallows’ School. Jemima was a founding staff member of ImpaQt Qld and served as the first ImpaQt Qld GM. She has a Masters of Philosophy and Public Policy from London School of Economics (LSE).
Rebecca Goodyear attended All Hallows’ School during the period 2013-2020. During her time at the school she was heavily involved in the Mercy Action program, including outreach work and most notably her leadership within the Human Rights Group. Rebecca held the position of Hockey Captain at the school and was the recipient of numerous awards for her involvement in promoting Social Justice in the local, national and global community.
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