United in Languages

In 2016, Mercy International Association offered a worldwide reflection process for the Year of Mercy for Sisters of Mercy and Partners-in-Mercy to discern together globally a shared response to the 'cry of the Earth and the cry of the Poor' in our world today.

Out of this discernment arose the concept of Mercy Global Presence expressed as follows: In a global world, there will be a Mercy Global Presence. In a world of displacement, Mercy Global Presence will champion inclusion. In a world of degradation of the environment, Mercy Global Presence will realize its oneness in the sacred communion of all creation.*

To honour this call, the 2006 Vision was reviewed by the MIA Members and Board Directors in 2018 and the following Vision Statement was adopted by the Members in November 2018 and launched by the Board as the Silver Jubilee year 2019 gets underway.

In addition to placing Mercy Global Presence at the heart of the Vision, there is an emphasis on the place of all members of the Mercy Family – Sisters, Associates, Colleagues and Partners-in-Mercy in creating this reality.

The Vision is presented in eight languages: English, Irish, Spanish, Maori, Samoan, Tok Pisin, Tagalog and Tongan, honouring Mercy’s presence in 6 continents of the world - Africa, Americas, Australia, Asia, Europe and Oceania.  

Select one of the 8 different Languages opposite in which to read the Vision Statement.

Tok Pisin


Mercy International Association Vision Statement

Deeply rooted in the Gospel and the legacy of Catherine McAuley, Mercy International Association seeks to gather the inspiration and energies of the Sisters of Mercy, our associates, colleagues and partners worldwide toward the creation of a Mercy Global Presence. Standing with the displaced, we will model a world of welcome and inclusion. Actively engaged in the protection of our Common Home, we will witness to the sacredness of all creation. Through the work of the Association and through the longings and efforts of the entire Mercy family, we will strive for the globalization of compassion and the recognition of God’s mercy as present and active in our world.

This vision keeps alive the Founding Spirit of Catherine among people of the World most in need of God's compassion and Mercy.


Fís Chomhlachas Idirnáisiúnta na Trόcaire:

Fréamhaithe go doimhin sa soiscéal and in oidhreacht Chaitríona Nic Amhlaigh, lorgaíonn Comhlachas Idirnáisiúnta na Trόcaire inspioráid agus spreacadh ár siúracha, ár gcomhaltaí, ár gcomhpháirtí agus ár bpáirtí ar fud an domhain mhόir chun Saol Trόcaireach Domhanda a chruthú. Seasadh muid leis an dream atá gan dídean agus faoi chois agus cuireadh muid saol cuimsítheach fáiltiúil, gníomhach ar fáil dόibh ar chuile bhealach. Agus muid ag cosaint ár mBaile Comόnta, tugadh muid fianaise faoi spioradáltacht na Cruinne. Tré obair an Chomhlachais agus thnúthántacht agus saothar mhuintir na Trόcaire ar fad, déanadh muid iarracht trua agus taise domhanda a bheith againn agus aitheantas a thabhairt do thrόcaire Dé inár measc agus gníomhach i gcόnaí ar an saol seo. Coinníonn an fhís seo spiorad Chaitríona beo i measc muintir an domhain mhόir a bhfuil trua agus trόcaire Dé de dhíth orthu.



Declaración de Visión de la Asociación Internacional de la Misericordia:

Profundamente arraigada en el Evangelio y el legado de Catalina McAuley, la Asociación Internacional de la Misericordia busca reunir la inspiración y energías de las Hermanas de la Misericordia, nuestras asociadas y asociados, colegas, socias y socios por todo el mundo para la creación de una Presencia Global de la Misericordia.  En solidaridad con los desplazados, tendremos como modelo un mundo de acogida e inclusión. Con nuestra entrega activa a la protección de nuestra Casa Común, daremos testimonio de la santidad de toda la creación.  Por medio del trabajo de la Asociación y de los anhelos y esfuerzos de toda la familia de la Misericordia nos esforzaremos para que la globalización de la compasión y reconocimiento de la misericordia de Dios estén presentes y activas en nuestro mundo. 

Esta visión mantiene vivo el Espíritu Fundador de Catalina entre la gente del Mundo más necesitada de la compasión y Misericordia de Dios.


Te Moemoeā o Te Whānau Atawhai ki te Ao:

Nā te mana o te Rongopai me tērā o Catherine McAuley, ka karanga a Mercy International Association ki te whanau whanui o Mercy, ā, kia tākiri ake te ngākau Atawhai I te Ao. Hei atawhai....tā mātou kaupapa mātua, tū tonu I te ao I te pō.

Ko Papatuānuku ki raro, ko Ranginui ki runga, kei te mihi tonu ki a kōrua, a ki te Ao ateā ano hoki. Te toto o te tangata, he kai; te oranga o te tangata, he whenua*.

Ko te tirohanga nei, ka hā tonu te wairua o Catherine ki ngā rawa kore e kimi ana tēnei aroha pūmau.

(*Maori whakatauki (proverb)


Le Tofāmamao a le Faapotopotoga Faa-va-o-Mālo a le Agaalofa :

Loloto  ma maua’a i le Tala Lelei, faatasi ai ma le agaga o Katalina McAuley, O le Faapotopotoga Faa-va-o-malo a le Ituaiga o le Agaalofa, e sa’ili ma tuufaatāsia faanaunauga, ma manatu o Tama’ita’isā o le Agaalofa, atoa ai ma faalapotopotoga, ma pa’aga i itu e fia o le lalolagi, I le faavaeina lea o Sui Auai Faa va ō Malo o le Agaalofa.   O tūtū faatasi ma i latou ua fa’aaunu’ua, matou te faaa’oa’o atu se lalolagi na te aumaia ma taliaina lelei soo se tasi.  E galulue malosi i le puipuia o lo Tatou Nofoaga, matou te molimau tinoina le tāua o lo tatou foafoaga.  Mai i galuega a lenei Faapotopotoga, atoa ai ma faanaunauga ma taumafaiga a le Ituaiga o le Agaalofa i le lalolagi, matou te tauivi mo le faatamaoaigaina atoa o le alofa ma le faailoaina o le alofa o le Atua, o loo soifua ma galue pea i totonu o lo tatou lalolagi.  O lenei tofāmamao o loo taolaolaina ai pea le agaga sa faavaeina mai ai le Ituaiga e Katalina i tagata o le lalolagi, i latou o ē sili ona mana’omia le agalelei ma le agaalofa o le Atua.

Tok Pisin

As Tingting bilong Mercy International Association:

Mercy International Association, i kisim strong long Gutnius na as tingting long ol gutpela pasin bilong Katrin McAuley. Mercy International Association i wok painimaut, na bung wantaim ol gutpela tingting na strong bilong ol Mersi Sista, ol wanwok, ol wantok na olgeta lain i bihainim wei na pasin bilong Catherine McAuley, long olgeta hap bilong graun. Mipela i sanap wantaim ol lain i nogat ples bilong ol yet, na soim na markim pasin welkam na bung wantaim long wol. Na tu mipela i wok bung wantaim, long lukautim  na onarim olgeta samting God is wokim i stap long ples bilong yumi.

Long wok bilong Association, na ol strongpela laik na tingting bilong olgeta Mersi Famili, mipela i traim long kirapim wol i gat pasin sori na luksave long marimari bilong God i stap laip long wol.

Dispela as tingting i kirapim na mekim Spirit bilong Catherine McAuley, i stap laip namel long olgeta pipol long wol, husait i nidim sori na marimari bilong God.


Panaw At Pahayag Ng Pandaigdigang Samahan Ng Pagkahabag :

Naka ugat ng malalim ang ebanghelyo at pamana ni Catherine McAuley kaya ang Mercy International Association ay nagsisikap na matipon ang inspirasyon at enerhiya ng Sisters of Mercy, mga kasamahan at kapanalig ng kongregasyong ito sa buong mundo tungo sa paglikha ng Mercy Global Presence.  Sa pakikiramay sa mga taong nilikas ang kanilang tahanan dahil sa sakuna o sa puwersa ng mga makapangyarihang tao, tayo ang magsisilbing huwaran sa pandaigdigang pagtanggap at pagkakaugnay.  Sa masigasig na pakikilahok bilang proteksyon sa Bahaging Tahanan, tayo ay maging saksi sa kabanalan ng nilikha sa pamamagitan ng mga gawain at pagnanais ng buong asosasyon.  Tayo ay magsisikap na maipalaganap sa buong mundo ang awa ng Diyos.

Ang pananaw at banal na diwa ni Catherine ay magsisilbing buhay sa lahat ng tao sa mundo lalo sa mga nangangailangan ng awa at aruga ng ating panginoong Diyos.



Ko e  fakalea ‘o e Visone faka-mamani lahi ‘a e va’a fengaue’aki  ‘a e ngaahi Kautaha Manava’ofa:

Ke aka ‘i he Kosipeli pea mo e tukufakaholo ‘o Katalina Makooli, ‘oku  makatu’unga ai e fekumi e va’a fengaue’aki faka-mamani lahi ‘a e Kautaha Manava’ofa, mo hono kaunga ngaue ke fakahoko e ngaue ke fokotu’u ha fa’unga ‘o e Manava’ofa ‘i hotau lotolotonga.   Ke tau tu’u fakataha ai mo kinautolu ‘oku nau tukuhausia, ‘o tau fakahaa’i ha founga fakamamani lahi ‘i hono faka kaumai mo talitali lelei e tokotaha kotoa.  Ko hono ngaue’i fakataha ‘a e malu’i hotau ‘atakai, mo lava tu’uaki ‘a e molumalu mo e toputapu ‘o e fakatupu kotoa pe.  ‘E fou atu ‘i he ngaue ko eni ‘a e Kautaha ni, ‘a hono fakakau ‘a e ngaahi faka’amu mo e ivi ngaue ‘a e kotoa ‘o hotau memipa ‘o e famili Manava’ofa, ‘aia ko hono paotoloaki fakamamani lahi ‘a e mo’ui kaunga ongo’i ke fakahaa’i ai ‘a e Manava’ofa ‘a e ‘Otua ‘i hotau lotolotonga.  Ko e Visione ma’ongo’onga ni, ‘oku ne falute ai ‘a e ‘amanaki lelei ki hono pukepuke ‘a e fa’unga mo e laumalie ‘o Katalina Makooli, ‘i he kakai ‘o e Mamani ‘a e ‘oku nau vivili ki he mo’ui kaungaongo’i mo e Manava’ofa ‘a e ‘Otua.