An Invitation to Engage with Mercy Oceans Initiatives
Full Mercy Oceans Campaign Resource List
The materials below were compiled by the Mercy Global Action Oceans Taskforce and are available for download. Please contact the MGA team with any questions at
Full Toolkit (PDF)
Overview - Mercy Oceans Campaign (PDF)
Theme 1 - Pollution - Sr. Magdalene Musau, rsm - Kenya (video)
Theme 1 - Pollution - Thematic Reflection Paper (PDF)
Theme 2 - Ocean-Based Economies - Alexis Stephens, Mercy Associate - Guyana (video)
Theme 2 - Ocean-Based Economies - Thematic Reflection Paper
Theme 3 - Marine & Coastal Ecosystems - Sr. Monika Mo’ale, rsm - Tonga/Aotearoa New Zealand (video)
Theme 3 - Marine & Coastal Ecosystems - Thematic Reflection Paper
Theme 4 - Ocean Acidification/Deoxygenation/Warming - Sr. Wendy Flannery, rsm - Australia (video)
Theme 4 - Ocean Acidification/Deoxygenation/Warming - Thematic Reflection Paper
Theme 5 - Fisheries - Sr. Letecia De Los Santos, rsm - Philippines (video)
Theme 5 - Fisheries - Elsa Cromarty, Mercy Associate - Guyana (video)
Theme 5 - Fisheries - Thematic Reflection Paper (PDF)
Theme 6 - SDG14 & the 2030 Agenda - Marietta Latonio, MGA MELF Team - Philippines (video)
Theme 6 - SDG14 & the 2030 Agenda - Thematic Reflection Paper (PDF)
Spirituality & the Sea (PDF)
Sr. Paula Anamani, rsm’s Presentation at CSW66 (video)
Explore further resources for prayer and learning about ocean issues: MGA Ocean Resources (PDF)
En español
Kit de herramientas completo (PDF)
Vídeo de la Campaña de la Misericordia sobre los océanos
Resumen - Campaña de la Misericordia sobre los océanos (PDF)
Tema 1 - La contaminación marina - Hna. Magdalene Musau, rsm - Kenia (video)
Tema 1 - La contaminación marina - Documento de reflexión temático (PDF)
Tema 2 - Las economías basadas en los océanos - Documento de reflexión temático (PDF)
Tema 3 - Los ecosistemas marinos y costeros - Documento de reflexión temático (PDF)
Tema 5 - La pesca sostenible - Hna. Letecia De Los Santos, rsm - Filipinas (video)
Tema 5 - La pesca sostenible - Elsa Cromarty, Asociada de la Misericordia - Guyana (video)
Tema 5 - La pesca sostenible - Documento de reflexión temático (PDF)
Tema 6 - Los océanos y la Agenda 2030 - Documento de reflexión temático (PDF)
La espiritualidad y el mar (PDF)
Explore más recursos para la oración y el aprendizaje sobre los problemas del océano: Recursos sobre Océanos de la Acción Global de la Misericordia (PDF)
Ocean Prayer Resource
MGA’s Ocean Task Force, on behalf of Mercy International Association, is pleased to offer a prayer resource focused on our ocean. The resource was developed ahead of World Oceans Day on 8 June and the UN Oceans Conference 27 June - 1 July.
Mercy Supports Our Oceans
UN Sustainable Development Goal 14
The human impact on the ocean has already caused a great deal of damage, and the need for restoration projects is apparent. The ocean, our life support system, is intrinsically linked with social justice and economics around the world and we rely on it in a variety of ways. Many coastal communities and countries, including those around the Mercy World, depend on the resources of the ocean for their livelihoods and for food. Dependency upon the ocean is as true for coastal communities as it is for major world economies. Economically, countless jobs from fishing to tourism depend on healthy oceans. Ecologically, we need a healthy ocean to slow global warming; and the ocean provides about half of the world’s oxygen. Without healthy oceans, it is hard to see how humans could continue meeting our basic needs; yet, oceans remain a dumping ground for trash and sewage and suffer from the effects of climate change (deoxygenation, acidification, and biodiversity loss).
No real action can take place without a fundamental cultural shift. Our culture must move towards one concerned for the health of our oceans and climate change, and demand the necessary changes from industries and governments around the world.
Download MGA’s World Oceans Day Infographic here.
UN Ocean Conference 2025: Nice, France
The third UN Ocean Conference is set to take place in June of 2025 in Nice, France. Co-hosted by the governments of France and Costa Rica, the hope of the conference is that it will mobilise a new chapter of global ocean action through advancing oceanic research and bolstering funding for SDG 14.