9 Days of Prayer (Novena) for the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy
Photo of the Our Lady of Mercy painting that hangs in the alcove to the right of the sanctuary in the Baggot Street chapel. Blessed by Pope Leo X111, it was gifted to the Sisters of Mercy in 1890.
The painting is a copy of a mosaic found in the Church of St Pudenziana, a fourth century church of Rome.
The painting is a copy of a mosaic found in the Church of St Pudenziana, a fourth century church of Rome.
The aim of our Novena is to prepare ourselves for the great Feast: to take pause, to ponder the meaning of the Feast, to look back lovingly and look forward in hope, and to reflect on the life of the woman the Feast honours.
The Outline for each day is the same:
- an artwork that invites our respectful, meditative gazing for what it reveals about Mercy and Mary; each art work expresses a truth, filtered by its artist, its era and its culture.
- a short reflective piece on an aspect of Mary’s life or person, drawing on canonical Scripture, apocryphal tradition and
- a question for our personal and communal consideration;
- and the formal prayer that links each day
We unite in our prayer as we ponder in our hearts the meaning of the title Mary, Mother of Mercy… Misericordia… Marimari… Trocaire…
Prepared by Mary Wickham rsm