A New Year Message from CEO Berneice Loch
As some of you will know, I am in my final weeks as Chief Executive Officer at Mercy International Association. What a strange three years it has been! Against that backdrop, I am so pleased to be able to tell you this January that we are looking forward to a full year of activity at MIA, both in Dublin and in New York. There was much less security about the year ahead in January of 2022!
That said, we still anticipate a year of on-going evaluation, learning, and experimentation as we attempt to be of service in the Mercy World to the greatest extent that we can. Our Vision Statement affirms that MIA “seeks to gather the inspiration and energies of the Sisters of Mercy, our associates, colleagues, and partners worldwide toward the creation of a Mercy Global Presence.” The Board Directors, and all of us who have a role at MIA, are engaged in the process of “Opening Doors” being led by Denise Fox rsm. Denise is connecting with Mercy groups from around the world, asking for their insights into how MIA can play a stronger role in gathering “the inspirations and energies” of the Mercy world.
I want to invite you to send me, Denise, or any member of MIA’s staff, your insights and wisdom so that your voice can be among those heard. It does not matter if your concern is limited to a comment about a particular programme or service, or if you want to address the overall vision. We would love to hear from you.
I want to thank you for the support you have given to me and to others at MIA as we negotiated the years of pandemic and have taken some steps into the future. I have personally had the experience of standing on the shoulders of great leaders and am grateful for the privilege of having these three years at MIA. I pray it will go from strength to strength and ask for your ongoing support.
Berneice Loch rsm
Chief Executive Officer