Breaking Boundaries: A Mercy Response to People on the Move
On the occasion of Mercy Day on 24 September and the World Day for Migrants and Refugees on 25 September, the Mercy Global Action Migration Task Force is pleased to launch a new publication, Breaking Boundaries: A Mercy Response to People on the Move.
The MGA Migration Task Force is made up of Mercy Global Action staff, Sisters, and Partners in Ministry from Mercy Congregations and Institutes around the world. This document is the culmination of a year-long process that has offered the Mercy World an opportunity to reflect on, learn from, and celebrate Mercy's engagement with people on the move. Despite the many challenges people face on the migration journey, Mercy Sisters, Associates, and Partners embrace a culture of encounter that not only provides support and accompaniment but also enriches the lives of our communities.
“Breaking Boundaries” highlights Mercy's experiences and good practices from around the world. Mercy encounters with people on the move are deeply rooted in a charism and spiritual tradition characterized by hospitality and care for those most marginalized and guided by a human rights framework that focuses on people’s dignity and wellbeing. Mercy individuals, ministries, and communities welcome the stranger, accompany people during difficult journeys, protect and uphold the rights of migrants and refugees, provide essential services, and create a sense of belonging and inclusion.
The document also includes advocacy recommendations for governments and civil society partners. Mercy Sisters, Associates, and Partners continue to work on changing migration and refugee governance systems so that they are more people-centered and human rights-based. From the local to the global level, people around the Mercy World raise their voices to make policies more inclusive, to ensure that migrants are welcomed and that they can access what they need to move and live with dignity. As people of Mercy, along with our faith-based and other civil society partners, we play an important role in influencing policymakers at all levels to protect the rights of people on the move and to address the systemic issues that affect migration and displacement around the world.
The MGA Migration Task Force hopes that “Breaking Boundaries” will encourage you to learn from and celebrate the many incredible people and ministries around the Mercy World who work with people on the move. The Task Force also hopes that this document informs and inspires action in the Mercy World and beyond - to continue to work to break boundaries in our interpersonal relationships, in our communities, in our countries, and in our world.