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Mercy e-News
Edition No. 766  |  11 April 2018
Featured Story
Remembering Catherine's First Companion: Mary Ann Doyle

Editor: Today, 11 April, we remember with gratitude the day Mary Anne (Anna Maria) Doyle knocked on the door of Baggot Street and asked to be admitted to the House of Mercy.

During the construction of the first House of Mercy, now Mercy International Centre, many people wondered what was the strange looking building on the corner of Baggot Street and Herbert Street, Dublin. Bonnie Brennan rsm, quoting the Derry manuscript, writes in her book It Commenced with Two, 'One passer by in particular,... "remarked the building with indescribable attraction", her name was Anna Maria Doyle. Seeing her interest in the progress of the construction, the man in charge offered to give her a guided tour, and gave her some idea of the intentions of the owner, Catherine McAuley. Fired with enthusiasm, Anna Maria lost no time in seeking an introduction to Catherine McAuley who received her "with gratitude and delight" in the home of her sister and brother-in-law...in the spring of 1827.'

And the rest, we can say, is our history.

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - CEO MIA

Image: 'Lady with Bonnet' by Donald Knox. This painting of Mary Anne Doyle was commissioned by Mercy International Centre (MIC) for the 175th anniversary of the founding of the Order. It hangs in the Doyle Room on the first floor of MIC. Mary Anne is shown with her trunk (not visible here) by the Grand Canal about to leave Dublin to make the foundation at Tullamore. Photos of family members were used to create her portrait, ensuring a family resemblance.

Vision in Action
Journey Away from Plastic: Part 4

Part 4 of a 4-part series called 'The journey from plastic' in preparation for World Earth Day 2018 from The Future we Need group is on the topic of sustainable practices.

Download Part 4 here (PDF)

Download the series here (4pps, PDF)

Messages to: Denise Boyle fmdm - Team Leader Mercy Global Action

MIA Prayer Intention: Collaborating with Others

We give thanks for all those with whom we collaborate in our ministry -
who share our Mercy charism and vision,
inspire us with new ideas,
present us with challenges,
support and enable us to make wise decisions,
help us to focus on the essential,
and to exert our influence always for the common good.


Post your own Prayer or Reflection in our online Chapel

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

As a Mercy Community, we pray with those in need of physical healing through the intercession of Catherine McAuley. God of love and mercy, touch with your healing power and restore to full health: Sadie Manning, Jaxon McKinneyCharles Xuereb and all whose names are on our prayer list.

We ask this with confidence through the intercession of Venerable Catherine McAuley. Amen.

Messages to: the Vice postulators

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The Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM) held their Board meeting in Maynooth in February. Betty Lacey and Denise Boyle fmdm representing MIA-Mercy Global Action met with Tomás Insua, CEO and Amy Echeverria, the Chair of the GCCM Board, to discuss ongoing collaboration between the two organisations and to explore ways to expand our shared network. Like many members of the Mercy Family, Global Action has been an active member of GCCM since the organisation was set up in 2015...

Messages to: Denise Boyle fmdm - Team Leader MIA-Mercy Global Action

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MIA Members News

Mercyhurst University sophomore Rachael Wilson will get a rare platform Thursday [5 April] to speak out about an issue close to her heart: the importance of education and meaningful employment for those with autism.

She’ll be among the youngest panelists at the official celebration of World Autism Awareness Day at the New York City headquarters of the United Nations, this year focusing on “Empowering Women and Girls with Autism.”...

AIM Director Brad McGarry noted that Wilson’s invitation to speak resulted from Mercyhurst’s reputation as a leader in autism support programming...

For more information about the Autism Initiative at Mercyhurst, visit mercyhurst.edu/aim

Messages to: Rachael Wilson c/- Brad McGarry

Editor: This story is being published after the UN event. To watch Rachael's presentation, click here. Her panel presentation is from 2:45:21 - 2:50:18.

Image: UN WebTV

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Education Programme Developed with MECPATHS Results in Major Award for Hotel Group (The Congregation)

MECPATHS (Mercy Efforts for Child Protection Against Trafficking with the Hospitality Sector) is extremely proud to congratulate our partner PREM Group which was recognised for its tremendous efforts to counter child trafficking in Ireland, Belgium, The United Kingdom and France. PREM Group, which manages over 40 hotels across Europe, from city centre budget properties to serviced apartments and luxury country resorts, has been working with MECPATHS since 2017 to design a bespoke staff education programme to raise awareness on child trafficking and sexual exploitation. This education programme was rolled out earlier this month to the full staff team in Ireland as part of their mandatory induction and training...

Listen to the Interview on SoulWaves Radio here (11:34)

Messages to: MECPATHS Team

Image: L-r: Sarah Marr (PREM Group Human Resources Manager, Ireland and UK) and Ann Mara (Education Coordinator, MECPATHS)

OMAHA, NEB. – When most people hear the words “spring break”, they often think of college students flocking to the beach, planning leisurely trips, or posting up in their rooms to relax. However, for several College of Saint Mary (CSM) students, along with Director of Campus Ministry Carla Gerriets, Spring Break 2018 was spent giving, growing, and discovering what it means to be servant leaders.

In a week-long service trip to downtown Denver, the CSM group of six students and one staff member spent their break as volunteers, serving meals and connecting with the homeless and poverty-stricken within the Denver Rescue Mission.

“These young ladies are truly doing a mission of service,” said Gerriets...

Messages to: Carla Gerriets

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Editor: Sisters of Mercy are stongly represented in the membership of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans). Many Mercies were in attendance at the recent conference and AGM that sought to reclaim the vision and plan ongoing action against human trafficking, held at the Srs of St Joseph Centre for Reflective Living in Baulkham Hills, New South Wales.

ACRATH is committed to working with others towards the elimination of human trafficking in Australia, the Asia Pacific region, and globally. The Annual Report of the 2017 activities of this group, presented by ACRATH President Noelene Simmons sm, makes for impressive reading.

Messages to: ACRATH

Image: L-r: Mercy Srs Deirdre Gardiner, Eveline Crotty, Therese Power, Kaye Bolwell, Carmel Heagerty, Anne Tormey, Meredith Evans, Carole McDonald

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Mercy Matters

Pathways to God (Jesuits in Britain) has released an Easter Retreat.
Each week has a new theme, inspired by Laudato Sí', with six prayer sessions in audio format.
Week 1 is online and Week 2 is underway

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'It Commenced With Two'

The Story of Mary Ann Doyle, First Companion of Catherine McAuley by Bonaventure (Bonnie) Brennan rsm is available from the Mercy International Centre gift shop. For the month of April it is priced at €18 plus postage.

374 pages. Illustrated. Footnotes and Pictorial credits. Published in 2001.

3rd Sunday of Easter Year B (Luke 24:35-48)

'Extraordinary things can happen if we open ourselves to the presence of a stranger on the road of life. That is one of the elements in today’s gospel that forms the conclusion to the Emmaus story...'

Read the Reflection on the Gospel by Veronica Lawson rsm (ISMAPNG)

Listen to the Gospel read by Fr Eamonn O'Connor (Ireland)

1827: Mary Ann Doyle offered her services as a helper at Baggot St

1861: Foundation to Longford from Baggot St -
M Bernard Maguire

Contribute a fact about the Story of the Sisters of Mercy in your congregation or institute to our online archive

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Pacem in Terris (‘Peace on Earth’) Released: 11 April 1963

Pope John XXIII’s encyclical Pacem in Terris (‘Peace on Earth’) was released on this date in 1963 to address a world deeply engaged in the Cold War. Fifty-five years later, territorial disputes, political instability, civil wars, violence and conflicts—often with severe humanitarian consequences—continue to engage our attention. May they deepen our commitment to pray, work and act for peace.

Thornhill Ministries offers a variety of responses to those who hunger for meaning... for God...
We provide opportunities for reflection and for deeper exploration.
The Word of God is at the heart of our ministries as we strive towards an integrated spirituality.

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Further Resources

Worth Playing:

'We are Companions on the journey' by Carey Landry. Watch/listen here (02:06) Purchase from *iTunes, *GooglePlay

Worth Reading:

Religious Life Formation

'A new program for new religious'. This article in Global Sisters Report provides a link to both the proposal by Mary Johnson SSND and Sandra Schneiders IHM and to the proposed program. Read the article here

Apostolic Exhortation

Rejoice and Be glad! A guide to Christianity for the 21st Century: the new Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis. Read the text here Promotional Video here (02:36)

-Displacement of People

Human trafficking

Labour trafficking is on the rise across Europe and has overtaken sexual exploitation as the predominant form of modern-day slavery in several countries including Britain, Belgium and Portugal. See Article and report here

A revamped website highlighting the crime of human trafficking in Ireland has just been launched.The new site provides a user-friendly overview of how the crime manifests in Ireland, how members of the public can spot and report the signs of trafficking, and how the State supports these victims once identified. Visit the site

Refugees and asylum Seekers

'Inside an Immigrant Caravan: Women and Children, Fleeing Violence'. Read the article here

-Degradation of Earth

'16 environmental defenders have been killed so far in 2018 while protecting their community’s land or natural resources'. Read the article here

Extractive Industries

Diez años de minería en Perú (10 Years of Mining in Peru). Download the report in Spanish here (574pps, PDF)

The Bottom Line:

'Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives.'

– Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scottish-American industrialist, business magnate, and philanthropist

Send suggestions and contributions for the 'Worth...' section 2018 to: the Editor

The Mission of Mercy
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Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global
								poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide.
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Mercy International Association Limited
Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263. Public Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors: Sister Denise Fox (ANZ), Sister Sheila Carney (US), Ron Ashworth (US), Susan Clarke (GB), Sister Colette Cronin (GB), Mary Moorhead (IRL), Kevin Hoy (IRL), Sister Margaret Casey (IRL), Sister Scholasticah Nganda (IRL)