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Mercy e-News
Edition No. 691  |  28 September 2016
Featured Story

Editor: The Mercy family— near and far— gathered in person and online on Saturday for a prayerful experience of Mercy Day Eucharist in the Baggot Street Chapel. Representatives from the four Irish Provinces and each of the five continents where Sisters of Mercy minister, were physically present at Baggot Street, undeterred by the Dublin bus strike and the poor weather. Many had roles in the liturgy. Such were the numbers at Baggot Street that those unable to be accommodated in the Chapel filled the International Room where they had the benefit of viewing the proceedings on the large screen.

Sisters, Associates, partners-in-Ministry and partners-in-Mercy from other parts of the mercy world, including South Sudan, Timor Leste, Guyana, Cambodia, South Africa, Argentina, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Australia, United States, England and Ireland, participated via Livestream and shared their experiences online. Gail Waring rsm (Americas) summed up the feeling of many in her post: 'It is a joy to be part of the whole across the world.'...

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA


Image: L-r: Sheila Curran rsm (The Congregation/Ireland), Carmen Rosa Ccallomamani rsm (Americas/Peru), Scholasticah Nganda (The Congregation Ireland/Kenya). Photo: Helen Diviney rsm (The Congregation)

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Vision in Action

Editor: In preparation for their conference call today, 28 September, members of the Working Group on Opposing Human Trafficking provided updates on local efforts to address this issue.

The reports from MECPATHS (Ireland), Institute of Our Lady of Mercy (UK), Newfoundland, Aotearoa New Zealand, Mercy Investment Services, Mercy in Australia & PNG (ACRATH), Americas and South Africa are online and are linked to this item.

Contact details for the authors are provided with their reports.

Messages to: Working Group on Opposing Human Trafficking c/- Denise Boyle fmdm - Mercy Global Action

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MIA Prayer Intention: Implementation of Actions from the UN General Assembly

We pray for our world leaders, returning home from the 71st UN General Assembly.

We pray that they may have the moral courage and personal strength to implement decisions that are for the good of humanity.

In particular, we hope and pray for continued momentum on the ratification of the Paris Agreement and for practical action to address the drivers and root causes of large movements of refugees and migrants as a result of the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

Post your own Prayer or Reflection in our online Chapel

MIA Reflection Process

GreenFaith, an ecumenical religious environmental organisation in the US, edited the most recent issue of the Journal of Interreligious Studies (JIRS Issue 19, Summer 2016), focused on faith and the environment. This issue is available for free download. Articles include:

Laudato Si’: A Catholic and Multi-Faith Conversation, Edited by Fletcher Harper and GreenFaith

Faith Rising: Multi-Faith Millennial Voices on the Climate Crisis, By Lotifa Begum, Allen Ottaro, Nimai Lila Das, Rabbi Yonatan Neril, and Mélisande Schifter

Faiths and Water: The Role of Faith Communities in Water and Sanitation, By Susie Weldon

Messages to: GreenFaith

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Resources to Mark the End of the Season of Creation

The formal finish to the Season of Creation occurs on Tuesday, 4 October, the feast of St Francis. Here are a variety of video resources to do with Francis which you might like to select from to mark the end of this Season:

CHA Feast of Saint Francis Reflection 2016 (02:18). Adapted from the prayer 'Walk lightly' by Linda Jones CAFOD

Prayer (read) Videos:
Canticle in English. Recorded in San Damiano near Assisi (02:00)
Canticle of the Creatures (Adaptation) Text on screen. Beautiful images (03:28)
Creation - featuring the Canticle of Creation. "Creation" composed by André Ripa (04:17)
Canticle of the Creatures-A Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi. Read in Italian with English subtitles. Filmed in Italy (06:12)

Assisi. Visuals only (04:03)
A Walk through Assisi. With commentary by Fr David Convertino ofm (17:27)

Music Video : Canticle of the Sun by Marty Haugen (03:30)

Messages to: Anne Walsh - Communications Director MIRP      

Stage 3 Report from St Brigid's College, Lesmurdie, Western Australia MIRP Group (ISMAPNG)

On 8 September our MIRP group met for a third time. The focus was to explore the concept of family and Catherine McAuley, through her letters and also readings from Scripture – this discussion had evolved from previous sessions relating to the role that family plays in the meeting of the needs of individuals in a world where there is often so much brokenness i.e. the essence of the family creates the whole person.  The session began with a presentation from one of our members who participated in the Mercy Pilgrimage ‘In the footsteps of Ursula Frayne’ to set the scene..

Read the complete report (PDF)

Messages to: Adele Howard rsm - MIRP Coordinator ISMAPNG

Image: L-R Amelia Toffoli, Nicola Lee, Janine Walsh, Fiona Hepi, Jo Foyle

Stage 3 Report from Puerto Eten, Chiclayo, Peru (Newfoundland)

After the richness lived in our group meetings these past months, we are happy to share with you the fruit of some Tradition texts, insights and the expression of a new commitment with our VISION.


  • Genesis 1: 26-31;  2: 15 4; 11-12
  • Aparecida Document
  • Brazilian Theologian Leonardo Boff. Video; Care of the Earth
  • Mary Sullivan, RSM …Our call to weep and act mercifully.

Read the complete report (PDF)

Messages to: Elizabeth Marrie rsm - MIRP Coordinator Newfoundland

Group members are:Mildred Brennan rsm, Rosali Vargas Mendoza rsm, Alice Mackey rsm, Augusto Rodolfo Martínez Ibañez, Linda Ilma Ayasta Cruz, Gustavo Raul Cumpa Carvallo, Angela Karla Navarro Calderón, Elmer Reupo Durand, Lucía Maria Reupo Durand, Luisa Mercedes Fontana Vega, Juan Julio Rodríguez Pastor   

MIA Members News

During the very packed days of meetings of the UN General Assembly held in New York, September 20th and ongoing, Caritas International, The World Bank, The German Government (CADENA), Islamic World Relief , Religions for Peace and the Anglican Communion among others gathered in New York to look at the Sustainable Development Goals and the moral imperative to end Extreme Poverty.

Recognizing that local and faith-based networks are central to humanitarian response as trusted first responders,  those gathered at this important meeting looked at ways to best collaborate on the ground...

Messages to: Carol Rittner rsm

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Presentation on the Careful Nursing Philosophy and Professional Practice Model© Warmly Received (Americas)

Therese Meehan, RGN, PhD (pictured right) and myself had an opportunity to present our work with the Careful Nursing Philosophy and Practice Model© at the International Association of Human Caring and Society of Rogerian Scholars Conference in Boston, MA on 8 June, 2016. Our work was a tribute to the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy as they gave us a foundation for our faith-based healing ministry, as we continue to do our work in Dublin, Ireland; Wellington, New Zealand and Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Our presentation about how Careful Nursing guides nursing practice at the bedside was well received by about 200 attendees. We had many wonderful questions and support for us to continue our work. An abstract can be read here (2pps; PDF).

Messages to: Julie Weldon MSN, RN - Project Manager,  Mercy Accountable Care Organization, Des Moines, IA, USA

St Monica’s is a Mercy school, founded in 1892 by the Sisters of Mercy, Parramatta.  It is rich in tradition and builds a Christ-Centred environment where our school community can grow and flourish.

As 2016 is the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, we have had a strong School focus on the Corporal Works of Mercy.  In the earlier months of 2016, I formed a special group of Year 6 Mercy Leaders and together we began a Mercy action initiative which focused on a different Corporal Work of Mercy each month...

Michelle Rosewell - Religious Education Coordinator c/- Margaret Sheppard rsm

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Editor: Anne Maher rsm writes: 'Last year I began edging toward retirement with a day off school every week and I decided to get back to the calligraphy. I volunteered in the fourth grade in St. Cornelius School, an inner-city school not far from St. Pauls where I work as a tech coordinator.

As a starting point I used the magnificent St. John’s Bible...'

In this wonderful article, Sr Anne teaches us how she went about teaching fourth graders calligraphy skills and more. Don't miss the display of her students' work.

Messages to: Anne Maher rsm

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Editor: In her essay 'The Mercies' in her collection called This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage, best-selling author and bookshop owner Ann Patchett immortalised her teacher, Sr Nena and their relationship. Sr Nena taught Ann at St Bernard's Academy in Nashville, Tennessee, a school founded by the Sisters of Mercy in 1866. As part of the 150 celebrations, the story of their meeting, the impact of Sr Nena's teaching and the strength of their adult friendship was recounted last week in the local paper, The Tenessean.

The story is linked to this item.

Messages to:
Nena De Matteo rsm
Ann Patchett c/- Parnassus Books

Image: Sr Nena. Screen grab from her recent YouTube interview


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'SAVANNAH, GA (WTOC) - Just when we needed something inspirational on the streets of Savannah, there she was.

Let's face it, this is a trying time for our city, but if anything can remind us of the good within people, it's the statue dedicated Friday [23 September] to Catherine McCauley [sic], founder of the Sisters of Mercy, who started St. Vincent's Academy and St. Joseph's Hospital. She's touched hearts and lives around Savannah for nearly two centuries.

"They have certainly made a tremendous contribution to the growth of the Catholic church in Savannah,’’ said Bishop Gregory Hartmayer, of the Diocese of Savannah. “And they have served the people of Savannah in a generous way.’’...

Source: WTOC -TV

Messages to: Mary Anne Hogan - Principal, St Vincent's Academy

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Mercy Matters

Last week Google released a new messaging app for Android and iOS. Before installing the latest new technology, it is a good idea to do your research

Here are a three reviews to consider:


PCMag (for Android)


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On This Day

1863: Foundation to Greenbush, Albany from New York

1908: Opening of Mt St Mary Academy, North Plainfield, New Jersey

Editor: St Mary Academy is this week's featured Mercy website

1987: Opening of Aiseiri Alcoholic Treatment Centre, Wexford - Eileen Fahey rsm

Reflection: Two Verbs of Mercy

‘What it means ...to be merciful?’ ...that lies in living out two verbs: forgiving and giving...Merciful love, Pope Francis underscored, is the only way forward.

“We must forgive, be merciful, live our life in love... In this way, the heart enlarges, it widens in love. Instead selfishness, anger, make the little heart, which hardens like a stone.”

“What do you prefer?” Pope Francis concluded asking. “A heart of stone and a heart full of love? If you prefer a heart full of love, be merciful!”

Pope Francis, General Audience, 21 September 2016

Mount Saint Mary Academy is a Catholic, independent school that provides an exemplary college preparatory education for young women in grades 9 through 12.  As a sponsored work of the Sisters of Mercy, the Mount is rooted in the values and traditions of the Venerable Catherine McAuley...

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'The Holy Spirit opens up new visions of community, breaking down cultural barriers.'

-Marina Tu’inukuafe

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'Today’s gospel seems to be telling us that faith is somehow linked with doing what we ought to do without looking for accolades...'

-Veronica Lawson rsm

Editor: Sr Veronica's presentations at the BBI eConference are now online and will remain available at no charge for another week. You can view them here

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Further Resources

Worth Playing:

'We Will All' by Sandra McCracken Watch/listen here (05:15). [Video suggestions for use on the Feast of St Francis, 4 October, are listed in the MIRP section above.]

Worth Reading:

Recalculating the Climate Math.'The numbers on global warming are even scarier than we thought', writes Bill McKibben in his latest article for New Republic. Read it here

Worth Checking Out:
Human Trafficking

The Global Alliance to Eradicate Forced Labour, Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Child Labour —Alliance 8.7—was launched at the Ford Foundation in New York on 21 September 2016. Alliance 8.7 will bring together all interested parties to join forces in achieving SDG Target 8.7 aiming at a world without forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour. Visit the site here

The Bottom Line:

'Catherine understood that God’s mercy received is to be given to others through acts of merciful love. Catherine’s insistence on union and charity in her Institute was her way of stressing the absolute importance of merciful healing of one another and of responding mercifully to the brokenness of relationships.'

- Marilyn Sunderman rsm - Professor and Chair of Theology at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, Catherine McAuley: Woman of Mercy

Send suggestions and contributions for the 'Worth...' section 2016 to: the Editor

Human Trafficking
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Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global
								poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide.
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Mercy International Association Limited
Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263. Public Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors: Sister Denise Fox (ANZ), Sister Patricia McDermott (US), Ron Ashworth (US), Peter Burnett (GB), Sister Colette Cronin (GB), Mary Moorhead (IRL), Kevin Hoy (IRL), Sister Margaret Casey (IRL), Sister Scholasticah Nganda (IRL)