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Mercy Enews
No. 493 | 21 November 2012

Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, used her inheritance in service of the needs of her time. Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide...This vision keeps alive the founding spirit of Catherine among peoples of the world most in need of God's compassion and mercy.
from the MIA Visioning Statement 2007


MercyCare Celebrates Two Important Milestones (Australia)

On Tuesday 13 November, over 450 guests gathered in Perth, Western Australia to celebrate two important Mercy milestones: MercyCare’s 10th Anniversary and Mercy Hospital's 75th Anniversary. Special Guests included: His Excellency Malcolm McCusker AC CVO QC Governor of Western Australia and Mrs McCusker; The Most Reverend Timothy Costelloe SDB DD, Archbishop of Perth; Hon Robyn McSweeney MLC – representing the Premier of Western Australia; Corporate Sponsors and Partners; Sisters of Mercy; MercyCare Trustees and Board  and MercyCare’s Leadership and Management Forum.

In her address, the first and outgoing Board Chair, Dr Maria Harries AM, highlighted the creation of MercyCare, a lay- led organisational structure, as an "heroic step" taken by the (then) Perth Congregation of Sisters of Mercy in "implementing some of the remarkable vision of Vatican II which heralded a re-recognition of the role of the laity alongside the clergy and religious in the leadership of the church and its services."

While celebrating their own Mercy Hospital milestone of 75 years, Dr Harries warmly acknowledged the 50th anniversary of the Mater Hospital Nairobi. "We share with our African friends," she said, " the knowledge of the importance of celebration and ritual – of sharing memories of personal journeys and hard won success." It was an important reminder of connection to a global network.

The constant thread in Dr Harries' Address was that of people and relationship, thanking all who had helped bring to fruition the vision of Catherine McAuley, first planted on the shores of Western Australia in 1846, "for your gifts of the past which remain as gifts for the future."

On the eve of the event, The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister of Australia, sent MercyCare a personalised letter of congratulations and acknowledgment of the anniversary celebrations and the work of all at MercyCare. The Prime Minister's letter can be read here.

Speeches were also given by Governor McCusker and Archbishop Costelloe.

Messages to:
Chris Hall
- CEO MercyCare
Kay Joyce - Marketing Manager

Photograph:Front Row, from left to right: Dr Maria Harries AM, The Most Reverend Timothy Costelloe SDB DD, Archbishop of Perth, His Excellency Malcolm McCusker AC CVO QC Governor of Western Australia, Mrs McCusker, Sr Anne Tormey RSM Back Row from left to right: Dr Geoff Smith, Ms Irena Harrison, Ms Gail Barrow, Hon Robyn McSweeney MLC, Mr Chris Hall, Sr Berice Livermore RSM, Ms Dianne Bianchini

Editor: MercyCare is this week's featured Mercy website

Mercy Links

Thank you from Malala.
The following message was received on Monday, November 19, in response to signing online in support of Malala. Please consider signing the online petition.

"Your signature – with that of two million others – has started to change the world. Pakistan has this week voted for the first time for compulsory free education. 3 million boys and girls will now receive cash stipends to help them go to school. All political parties are now discussing doubling education expenditure from 2% to 4% of national income.

But to keep the pressure on, as Malala’s family want us to, we are now aiming for 2.5 million signatures by Christmas and 3 million by the end of January — Please show the Malala film to your friends (updated)

Tell them that Child + Teacher = Hope∞, and ask them to
SIGN ON on to this site NOW.

Gordon Brown
UN Special Envoy for Global Education "

Review for Religious freely available online
A Digital Archive of all the issues of Review for Religious (1942 -2012) is being hosted by the Pius XII Library at Saint Louis University, Missouri. The collection can be accessed by clicking on this link. Detailed instructions on how to navigate the archive and locate a particular article or author can be accessed here
Hurricane Sandy
Thje Sisters of Mercy of the Americas continue to hold in prayer those who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy. We invite you to make a contribution between now and Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22, to our Hurricane Sandy Response Fund. Read more

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Mercy International Association Limited

Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263
Public Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2
Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors:Sister Patricia McDermott (US), Peter Burnett (British), Maura Hyland, Sister Coirle McCarthy,
James Peppiatt-Combes (US), Sister Mary Waskowiak (US) and Sister Denise Fox (NZ)