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Mercy e-News
Edition No. 719  |  03 May 2017
Featured Story
New and Old: Many Programmes on Offer in 2018 at Baggot Street

Editor: We are pleased to announce this week the introduction of two new programmes at Mercy International Centre in 2018: 'Mercy Pilgrimage' and 'Comfort the Sick'.

'Mercy Pilgrimage' will focus on the education tradition within Mercy and will be of particular interest to those engaged in Mercy education, especially administrators, teachers, trustees and members of boards of management. 'Comfort the Sick' will appeal to those in the healthcare and helping professions as it will focus on the caring tradition within Mercy before reflecting on questions facing health care today.

Both programmes are open to all in our mercy world and will endeavour to give participants an opportunity to integrate their learning directly into their education and healthcare ministries.

Over coming weeks we will announce in Mercy eNews details of all programmes on offer at MIC in 2018 so that you can start planning for what you might attend!

Download flyer:
'Mercy Pilgrimage': A4 Paper Size (PDF); US Letter Size (PDF)
'Comfort the Sick': A4 Paper Size (PDF); US Letter Size (PDF)

Messages to: Anna Nicholls rsm - Team Leader Heritage & Spirituality

Image: © 2017 MIA. L-r: Áine Barrins rsm, Anna Nicholls rsm, Mary Reynolds rsm. This image is available to any Mercy group who would like to use it to promote our programmes. Please contact the Editor

Vision in Action
MIA Prayer Intention: World Day of Prayer for Vocations

On Sunday, 7 May, 2017, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer for Vocations.

Let us pray that the God of Mercy will continue to bless the Mercy family with people prepared to witness to the mercy and tenderness of our God as Religious, Associates and Partners-in-ministry in a world so in need of God’s compassion and consolation.

Post your own Prayer or Reflection in our online Chapel

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

Preparing for YML Secondary School Students Pilgrimage in July 2017

Editor: Planning meetings for the YML Secondary School Students Pilgrimage in July were held last Thursday in Baggot Street to flesh out the programme for this year's pilgrimage (18-21 July). 100 students are expected to take part. A new highlight this year will be the walk around Catherine's Dublin visiting many landmarks of importance in the life of Catherine and the history of the Sisters of Mercy.

NB: The dates for the 2018 YML Pilgrimage of post-secondary/college age students have been confirmed. The Pilgrimage will commence on Tuesday, 31 July - Friday, 3 August 2018.

Messages to: Anna Nicholls rsm - Team Leader Heritage & Spirituality

L-r: Anna Nicholls rsm (MIA), Marie Cox rsm (The Congregation), Margaret Scroope (MIA), Avril Tyrell (MIA), Frances Kennedy rsm (The Congregation), Patricia Donovan rsm (The Congregation)

Watering the Roots at the Wellsprings of Mercy 2017

Watering the Roots at the Wellsprings of Mercy, the month-long renewal program for vowed Mercy women, is again being offered this year, commencing Sunday, 4 June through to Saturday, 1 July.

Presenters this year will be: Anne Reid and Aine Barrins rsm (Week 1), Helena O'Donoghue rsm and Mary Reynolds rsm (Week 2), Johann M. Vento (Week 3) and Ann Brady rsm, Paula Carron rsm, Mary Conway rsm and Lily Sexton rsm (Week 4). Full details are in the program.

Download the program (2pps; PDF)

Messages to: Anna Nicholls - Team Leader Heritage & Spirituality
Bookings to: Madeleine O'Hanlon - Receptionist

Image: Wellsprings 2016. Photo: Mary-Ann Lennon rsm

MGA at the UN Water & Ocean Reflection Series: Part 7

'Fish and Fishing' is the topic of part 7 of this 12 week series.

Each week's reflection includes:

  • Excerpts from Pope Francis (primarily from the encyclical Laudato Si')
  • A video clip that you can watch (just hover your cursor and click the link to watch)
  • An opportunity for action and prayer reflection

Download Part 7: A4 Paper Size (PDF); US Letter Size (PDF)

Previous issues are linked to this item.

Messages to: Bridget Crisp rsm - MGA Intern at the UN

MIA Members News
Latest Issue of MAST Now Available (Americas)

The latest issue (Vol. 24, No. 1) of The MAST Journal was recently published.  Editor Eloise Rosenblatt rsm reports that the issue entitled 'Mystics and Mysticism', deals with important questions in the noise and intensity of modern life, offered for your meditation and encouragement.

Contributors include: Srs Mary-Paula Cancienne, Barbara Moran, Ann Marie Caron, Julie Upton,Janet Ruffing, Marilyn King, Marilyn Sunderman and Jayme Hennessy.

Download the list of topics covered by contributors in this latest issue

View Cover of latest issue

Access Form for subscribing to MAST

Messages to: Julia Upton rsm


Mindfulness as Spiritual Practice in the Writings of Thich Nhat Hanh (Americas)

Editor: In her article, Marilyn Sunderman rsm traces Thich Nhat Hanh's background and through his writings, she unpacks for the reader Mindfulness Practice - Mindful Walking, Mindful Speaking, Mindful Eating and Inter-Being, 'that is, that everything that exists depends on everything else in order to be', before sharing what she has learned from the practice of mindfulness.

Download the article here (12pps; PDF)

Messages to: Marilyn Sunderman rsm

Image: Thich Nhat Hanh (2006). Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0

Strong Mercy Contribution to this Month's Health Progress (Americas)

Editor: The May-June 2017 ( Volume 98, Number 3) issue of 'Health Progress', the official journal of the Catholic Health Association of the United States, features articles from a number of Mercy contributors under its theme 'Sponsorship A Way Forward':

'Field Hospital Concept is Rooted in Relevancy'

Messages to: Mary Haddad rsm

'A Sponsor's Identity Is Priestly, Prophetic, Royal'

Messages to: Doris Gottemoeller rsm

'Sponsors and Board Share Canonical, Civil Missions'

Messages to: Linda Werthman rsm


We're Being Dared to Mercy in a New Way (Aotearoa New Zealand)

Editor: In this month's 'Imaging Mercy Today' produced for He Waka Tiaki mission team, Tiaki Manatu Sisters of Mercy New Zealand Ministries Trust, Denis Horton calls the MIRP Review 'a hugely creative and exciting outcome to the Mercy International Reflection process (MIRP)'.

Download 'Imaging Mercy Today' here (2pps; PDF)

Messages to: Katrina Fabish rsm - Congregation Leader

We invite you to download and read Review of the Mercy International Reflection Process: "What has been discovered? What has been revealed?" if you haven't already. The Review is easily accessible from the homepage of Mercyworld.org where it can be accessed as the first news item throughout this month (on left-hand side) and as the first MIA Initiative (on right-hand side) for the rest of 2017.

In an effort to address Seattle’s affordable housing crisis, Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Paul Allen announced on Wednesday that he will donate $30 million to Mercy Housing toward the development of a permanent housing community.

The City of Seattle has committed $5 million to support operation and maintenance of the center, and Mercy Housing Northwest will develop and manage the community.

The announcement comes at a time when more than half a million Americans experience homelessness...

Messages to: Mercy Housing

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Scripture with Kathleen Rushton rsm (Aotearoa New Zealand)

In her reading of John 14, Kathleen Rushton rsm points to the climax of the passion as the giving of the Spirit. Sr Kathleen writes: 'Wind and breath are beautiful images which describe the Spirit as an unseen wonder known by what it does, the effect it has and how it feels. The Spirit flows through all creation bringing life and love..'

Download the article here (2pps; PDF)

Messages to: Kathleen Rushton rsm


Mercy Matters

1848: Opening of first permanent Mercy convent in Australia - Perth, Western Australia

1871: Foundation to Carndonough from Derry, Northern Ireland

1880: Foundation to Adelaide, South Australia from Buenos Aires, Argentina - M Evangelista Fitzpatrick

1932: Amalgamation of Wilcannia-Forbes communities - M Gertrude Gallagher

1935: Swanage Convent, Dorset founded from Hull - Sr Anastasia O'Hara

Contribute a fact about the Story of the Sisters of Mercy in your congregation or institute to our online archive

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Reflection: On Mercy

'Mercy … opens the door of the heart and enables us to express closeness especially to all those who are alone and marginalized.... It fosters the recognition of all those in need of consolation and makes us find the appropriate words to give them comfort.

Brothers and sisters, mercy warms the heart and makes it sensitive to the needs of [others] with sharing and participation. In sum, mercy commits all to be instruments of justice, reconciliation and peace.'

-Pope Francis, Regina Coeli Address, 23 April 2017

Editor: This book from Western Province (The Congregation), launched online on Mercyworld.org last November, is a wonderful read. Telling of the Sisters’ efforts and commitment to live more sustainably so as to protect 'our common home', it reminds us that no effort to live sustainably is too small to matter or to have an impact.

Read online or download here: (211 pps; PDF; 20 mb)

Image: Elizabeth McNamee rsm (Western Province). Cover photo of 'Walking Gently on Earth'

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Google has launched a redesigned Google Earth. New features include a guided tour function called Voyager a collection of interactive guided tours linked to specific locations around the globe.

Source: Techradar

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'My brother and sister-in-law were farmers who woke up one morning to find that all their sheep had disappeared. It seems that some enterprising thief or thieves had managed to load their sheep on to transports and move them interstate in the few hours between dusk and dawn...'

Listen to the Gospel read by Fr Eamonn O'Connor (Ireland)

Read the Reflection on the Gospel by Veronica Lawson rsm (ISMAPNG)

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4 May is world password day. Visit the site to learn how to secure your digital life by creating strong passwords.

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Further Resources

Worth Playing:

'And Jesus Said'. A video prayer reflection set to "And Jesus Said" by Tony Alonso, from "Living Spirit, Holy Fire" by David Haas. Watch/listen here (04:10). Purchase on *iTunes; *GooglePlay

Worth Reading:

The May issue of 'Update', the newsletter of LCWR is now online. Download it here (10pps; PDF)

Human Trafficking

May Reflection from USCSAHT  'What Does It Mean to be Safe?' by Kathleen Bryant, RSC. Read it here

The May issue of 'Stop Trafficking' Newsletter can be read here (7pps; PDF)

Worth Knowing:

Women's Voices Series: 'Conscience and the Role of Women Religious into the Future'  Teresa Maya CCVI., President - Elect of LCWR. Recorded 30 March at Boston College. Watch it here (50:20)

Worth Watching:

Pope Francis in his surprise video address titled “Why the Only Future Worth Building Includes Everyone' from the Vatican to the 2017 TED Conference being held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Watch it here (17:52)

Bottom Line:

'Commitment to mission is not something added on to the Christian life as a kind of decoration, but is instead an essential element of faith itself.  A relationship with the Lord entails being sent out into the world as prophets of his word and witnesses of his love.'

-Pope Francis, 2017, Message for World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Send suggestions and contributions for the 'Worth...' section to: the Editor

Readings for Mercy
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Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global
								poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide.
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Mercy International Association Limited
Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263. Public Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors: Sister Denise Fox (ANZ), Sister Patricia McDermott (US), Ron Ashworth (US), Peter Burnett (GB), Sister Colette Cronin (GB), Mary Moorhead (IRL), Kevin Hoy (IRL), Sister Margaret Casey (IRL), Sister Scholasticah Nganda (IRL)