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Mercy Enews
No. 528 | 21 August 2013

Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, used her inheritance in service of the needs of her time. Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide...This vision keeps alive the founding spirit of Catherine among peoples of the world most in need of God's compassion and mercy.
from the MIA Visioning Statement 2007


Mercies Mobilise for Global Frackdown Day- 19 October 2013 (MGA)

Mercy International Association, through Mercy Global Action, is inviting all Mercy Sisters and Colleagues to participate in or organise events for Global Frackdown Day on 19 October 2013.

These events should highlight Mercy concerns with fracking, especially the threats to drinking water, the environment and to community harmony which we have been highlighting in E-news over the last months.

Suggestions are attached to this item. Your ideas are most welcome!

Messages to: Mary Purcell - Assistant Director Mercy Global Action



Worth getting involved:
An opportunity to participate in Alzheimer's research by taking two simple online tests. Mindcrowd are trying to reach one million participants via the internet. Check out the link to see if you would like to participate in their data collection in working towards a cure and/or early diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Visit the site here

Worth reading:
2013 LCWR Assembly and Board Meeting. Read the Media Release here (19 August ).

The August issue of Stop Trafficking is now available. The Dominican Sisters of Peace have taken a corporate stand, and it is listed here. Information on what airlines are doing today to address the issue of Trafficking is highlighted. Read Stop Trafficking here

In the past two issues (Nos 526, 527) of Mercy E-news the cause of asylum seekers in Australia and the response of ISMAPNG has been reported on. For those wishing to know more about this situation, the following lecture is helpful reading:
The public, the Church and asylum seekers: The 43rd Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture – Opinion – ABC Religion & Ethics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) by Frank Brennan SJ AO. Read the article here

The article 'Unnatural Gas: The spiritual implications of fracking' by Ken Homan SJ in the latest issue of America online is worthwhile background reading for Global Frackdown Day on 19 October. Read the article here  A practical example of a religious congregation opposing fracking is seen in the efforts of the Sisters of Loretto who are refusing to allow energy companies to survey their 780 acres in order to build a natural gas pipeline that would connect fracking operations in Pennsylvania with an existing pipeline that runs from Kentucky to the Gulf Coast. Read and view their efforts here

Climate Panel Cites Near Certainty on Warming. A draft of the next big report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says it’s 95-100% certain that humans are the main cause of global warming, and dismisses a recent slowdown in warming as short-term. Read the article here

Worth looking at: Forty maps that explain the world. (28) Child poverty in the developed world,(34) How people think their economies are doing, (40) The world as seen from space, over a 12-month time-lapse.
A whole new set of perspectives on the planet, from the Washington Post. View the maps here

Send your contribution for the "Worth..." section to the Editor

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Certificate Number 194263
Public Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2
Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors:Sister Patricia McDermott (US), Peter Burnett, Sister Colette Cronin (British), Maura Hyland, Sister Margaret Casey,
James Peppiatt-Combes (US) and Sister Denise Fox (NZ)