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Mercy Enews
No. 529 | 28 August 2013

Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, used her inheritance in service of the needs of her time. Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide...This vision keeps alive the founding spirit of Catherine among peoples of the world most in need of God's compassion and mercy.
from the MIA Visioning Statement 2007


Vacancy for Assistant Director Global Action (MIA)

Applicants are invited for the position of MIA Assistant Director Global Action which will become vacant in March 2014.

The Assistant Director heads up MIA's global action programme. This programme focuses particularly on ecological sustainability and opposing human trafficking. It supports work in these areas at grassroots levels, particularly by developing networking and collaboration. Building on local grassroots stories of Mercy work throughout the world, it develops policy and advocacy positions to influence change through the national and international decision making bodies, primarily the EU and the United Nations, and it forms intercongregational and relevant NGO alliances to promote issues of common concern. The programme is firmly rooted in theological reflection for social action.

Applications close 27 September, 2013

Further information about the role is linked to this item

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA



Worth Reading:
New drilling technologies could give us so much oil, the climate won’t stand a chance. Read the article here

Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) aims to put the entire world online.  Read the article and visit the website

On 25 August, the British Home Secretary, Teresa May, announced her intention to introduce a "modern slavery" bill that tightens the laws on human trafficking in an attempt to eradicate an "evil in our midst". Read the details and view the many resources on this issue on The Guardian's Trafficking page. Read the article here

"Still, God Helps You" by Melissa Pritchard
Snatched from a marketplace in Sudan and sold into slavery at the age of six, William Mawwin became one of millions of people in the world enduring some form of involuntary servitude. This is his extraordinary story. Read it here

Worth Watching:
On Saturday, 24 August, the celebration of the Fusion of the Sisters of St Joseph of Whanganui, Aotearoa New Zealand with the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, was live streamed  from St Mary's Church Whanganui on the Sisters of St Joseph website, enabling those unable to be there in person to be present online. Watch this bi-cultural celebration of reconfiguring here (02:20:15).

Send your contribution for the "Worth..." section to the Editor

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Mercy International Association Limited

Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263
Public Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2
Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors:Sister Patricia McDermott (US), Peter Burnett, Sister Colette Cronin (British), Maura Hyland, Sister Margaret Casey,
James Peppiatt-Combes (US) and Sister Denise Fox (NZ)