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Mercy e-News
Edition No. 732  |  26 July 2017
Featured Story

Editor: The fourth biennial Young Mercy Leaders' pilgrimage for secondary/second level students concluded last Friday evening, 21 July, following a successful four day programme of rich and varied experiences for the 104 student participants.

28 Sisters of Mercy (pictured) from Ireland, USA, New Zealand and Australia were among the 70 chaperones, presenters, MIA staff and volunteers on site who contributed to the great success of these days, as affirmed by the participants in their written reviews.

Access the accounts of each day's activities from the report of the first day which is linked to this item.

Messages to: Anna Nicholls rsm - Team Leader Heritage & Spirituality

Back Row. L-r: Srs Marie Cox (The Congregation - Musician), Elizabeth McNamee (The Congregation – Communications)

Second back row. L-r:  Srs Áine Barrins (The Congregation – Walking Tour Organiser), Jean Evans (Americas – Workshop), Brenda Dolphin (The Congregation – Walking Tour Guide), Mary Moloney (ISMAPNG – Chaperone), Anne Maria O’Carroll (The Congregation – Chaperone), Gloria Heese (Americas – Workshop), Brid Biggane (The Congregation – Chaperone), Yvonne Hanna (The Congregation – Workshop & Chaperone), Anna Nicholls (MIA  - Pilgrimage Organiser), Angela Fleming (The Congregation – Walking Tour Guide)

Second Row. L-r: Srs Maria Forde (The Congregation – Chaperone), Leona Garchow (ANZ – Walking Tour Guide), Nuala O’Gorman (The Congregation – Chaperone), Trish Walsh (The Congregation – Facilitator & Workshop), Angela Reed (MIA – Keynote & Workshop), Pat Healion (ISMAPNG - Volunteer), Frances Kennedy (The Congregation – Musician), Carita Irwin (The Congregation – Gift Shop & First Aid), Patricia O’Donovan (CLT - Musician), Michele O’ Kelly (The Congregation – Keynote & Workshop), Anne Farrell (The Congregation – Chaperone)

Front Row. L-r:  Srs Margaret Scroope (MIA – Admin & Finance), Phil Murphy (Walking Tour Guide), Mary Reynolds (MIA – Executive Director), Terry Saetta (Workshop)

Absent: Sr Carmel Byrne (The Congregation - House Tour Guide)

Image: Gathered around Catherine © 2017 MIA. Photo: Anne Walsh

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Vision in Action
MIA Prayer Intention: Grandparents

On this Feastday of Sts. Joachim and Anne we pray for all grandparents, especially those who are raising their grandchildren as a result of violence, immigration, poverty, illness or other family situations that make this necessary.

May they receive the support and resources they need to deal with the challenges they face and have the good health and resilience to cope with these family responsibilities.

Post your own Prayer or Reflection in our online Chapel

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

Image: Stock photo


Editor: Sunday, 30 July marks the fourth World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

MIA at the UN - MGA  is an active member of the NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons (CSTIP), which, with other members of Civil Society organizations, created an advocacy document detailing specific points that Member States should include within the review process of the Global Plan of Action. Details are linked to this item.

The first 3 issues of the MIA at the UN - MGA newsletter can be accessed here

Messages to: Angela Reed rsm - MIA Coordinator at the UN - Mercy Global Action

Image: iStock. Used under licence

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As a Mercy Community, we pray with those in need of physical healing through the intercession of Catherine McAuley.

God of love and mercy, touch with your healing power and restore to full health: Martin Finnegan, Kate O'Beirne, John O'Beirne, Jessica Clark, Hank DiSalvatore, Margaret Campbell, Thelma Stannard, Bernadette Tamati and all whose names are on our prayer list.

We ask this with confidence through the intercession of Venerable Catherine McAuley. Amen.

Messages to: the Vice postulators

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The dates have been set for the forthcoming YML Pilgrimages:

Please mark these dates in your diaries!

Expressions of interest are welcome. Further details and registration information for each pilgrimage will be made available in MercyeNews and on the YML page on our Mercyworld.org website in due course.

Messages to: Anna Nicholls rsm - Team Leader Heritage & Spirituality

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MIA Members News

MECPATHS (Mercy Efforts to Counter Child Prostitution and Trafficking in the Hospitality Sector) is working to make it more difficult for traffickers to operate from Irish hotels and when hotel staff are in a position to raise the alert they can save trafficking victims from years of suffering and bring a halt to the activities of the criminals involved.

As always, MECPATHS relies on the support of all  Sisters of Mercy to help us in our endeavours to combat trafficking. There are some simple and practical steps you can take. We have drafted a letter that you can send to your MEPs to propose that it be made mandatory for all hotel staff within the EU to receive training in relation to trafficking...

Messages to: Aisling Murray - MECPATHS

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Update on Impact of the Cyclone (Philippines)

Editor: The following message was received in response to an expression of concern and support sent to Marian Ladrera rsm Superior General. It is published here to update our readers on the situation in the Philippines.

'The MMH hospital has only very minimal damage...there are cracks in some areas...

It was our convent in Milagro that got damaged.  But we were thankful though the Sisters were safe.  We are always hopeful despite the many tragedies that we encounter.  We keep on going on.

On Saturday [22 July], together with the other religious communities in our archdiocese, we will distribute relief goods to those badly hit by the earthquake.  They are homeless now and they need food.  Whatever way we can, we need to make MERCY REAL in the hearts of the suffering people.

Please continue praying for us Sisters and the Filipinos.'

Messages to: Marian Ladrera rsm - Superior General

Image: L-r: Srs Marian and Carmela visiting a family to show support

On Saturday 24th June, two of our associate members made their commitment.  The other members supported and encouraged them and presented them with their candles, certificates and badges.  Both Denise Whittaker and Audrey Robbins have been associated with us at St. Mary’s for some time as well as attending the Associates Meetings.  Denise has been our Secretary for over three years and Audrey has been our Monday Volunteer.  It was a moving and joyful occasion...

Messages to: Noreen Cullen rsm c/- Annette McCartan rsm

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On its own, big data is just big data. But when it can be crunched, digested and harnessed, it can be used to improve patient care and decrease health care costs. The use of sophisticated machine learning, or artificial intelligence, is one of the reasons Mercy has been named “Most Wired Advanced” once again.

It’s the third time in four years that the American Hospital Association (AHA) has recognized Mercy in the “Advanced” category for exceeding core criteria – a distinction given to only 27 of the nearly 700 organizations surveyed. In addition, it’s the 14th time Mercy has made the Most Wired list...

Messages to: Bethany Pope - Mercy St. Louis, St. Charles

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Mercy Matters
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A (Matthew 13:44-52 or Matthew 13:44-46)

'Today’s gospel passage begins and ends with reference to treasure. It invites us to pause and name what constitutes the real “treasure” in our lives, to know our own hearts...'

Read the reflection on the Gospel by Veronica Lawson rsm (ISMAPNG)

Listen to the Gospel read by Fr Eamonn O'Connor (Ireland)

Mercy Housing and Shelter Corporation provides housing assistance and supportive services to persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Mercy works to empower its clients to become independent, so they may live and work with dignity and respect.

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1838: House opened at Booterstown - M Ursula Frayne
1898: Orphanage opened, Broken Hill, New South Wales
1954: Establishment of Union of Sisters of Mercy of Australia - M Patricia O'Neill

Contribute a fact about the Story of the Sisters of Mercy in your congregation or institute to our online archive

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'Our ministry is God’s word in action.'

- Marcia Wilson rsm

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Sisters of Mercy Parramatta Congregation have made a series of reflections on Mercy themes available on their website.

Topics include: 'Bringers of Hope', 'The Shawl of Mercy', Living Lives of Balance'.

Download the complete set or by individual topic.

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Build a personal protection plan that makes sense for you.

Source: Wired

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Further Resources

Worth Playing:

Music to Inspire is an initiative by a group of more than 60 global artists to raise funds in the fight against human trafficking. 'Song of Hope' by Satinder Sartaaj uses powerful imagery in its accompanying video clip. Watch it here (04:30) in commemoration of the fourth World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July.
Purchase the album: *iTunes; *Google Play ; *Amazon

Worth a Look:
Religious Life

The mission and ministry of women religious is the subject of 'Sisterhood', a seven-part documentary series of 30 minute videos by Salt and Light tv, available for viewing online here

-Displacement of Persons
Migrants and Refugees

Bishop Mark J. Seitz speaks with Catholic Leaders about his Immigration Pastoral Letter, 'Sorrow and Moourning Flee Away: Pastoral Letter on Migration to the People of God in the Diocese of El Paso' [Texas], 18 July 2017. Watch the video here (38:16)
This is the first letter from a sitting Bishop that addresses the border and militarization. A news article on the letter can be read here

Worth Reading:
Vatican and SDGs

'Vatican at UN: Faithful’s Commitment to 2030 Agenda Is Fundamental. Intervention of the Permanent Observer of the Holy See at the UN Headquarters in New York.' Read a summary here. Full address here

-Degradation of Earth
'Peru must halt oil talks until indigenous rights and contamination are taken into account – UN experts.' Read article here

Worth Reflecting on:

On 17 July UN Secretary-General António Guterres  presented a progress report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He reaffirmed the importance of Agenda 2030 in eradicating poverty, building peaceful and inclusive societies for all, and addressing climate change. Watch the video here (01:15)

Worth Knowing:
'Gospel Leadership in Times of Chaos: The Hope of Pope Francis'. BBI-ACBC 13th eConference will be held on Thursday, 10 August 2017. Program and registration here

The Bottom Line:

'Migrants and migration are not problems to be solved, but are rather “a great resource for humanity’s development"...We belong to “a Church without frontiers, a Church which considers herself mother to all"...
May these bonds of charity continue to grow and inflame our hearts. May we take up new and prophetic actions to bring about the Kingdom of justice, truth and reconciliation in order to transform this desert, so that the burning sands will become pools, and the thirsty ground, springs of water.'

- Bishop Mark J. Seitz, 'Sorrow and Moourning Flee Away: Pastoral Letter on Migration to the People of God in the Diocese of El Paso' [Texas], 18 July 2017

Send suggestions and contributions for the 'Worth...' section 2017 to: the Editor

Human Trafficking
MIC Programmes
The Mission of Mercy
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Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global
								poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide.
Mercy World E-News is the Online Newsletter of the Mercy International Association. We hope you value this email. However, should you no longer wish to receive this eNewsletter, please unsubscribe.

Mercy International Association Limited
Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263. Public Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors: Sister Denise Fox (ANZ), Sister Sheila Carney (US), Ron Ashworth (US), Susan Clarke (GB), Sister Colette Cronin (GB), Mary Moorhead (IRL), Kevin Hoy (IRL), Sister Margaret Casey (IRL), Sister Scholasticah Nganda (IRL)