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Mercy e-News
Edition No. 740  |  20 September 2017
Featured Story
From the Postulator to the Mercy Family Worldwide

Dear Sisters and Brothers

I write to ask the continued support of your prayers for the cause of beatification of our beloved foundress Catherine McAuley at this particular time.

In October a diocesan process of inquiry will begin in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA to gather materials about an alleged healing through Catherine’s intercession. It is hoped that the proceedings will be finished in November.

Sr Sheila Carney (Vice postulator for North America, Latin America and Canada) is guiding the process for the postulation in Tulsa. Once the materials are sent into the Congregation for Causes in Rome I will take the process forward there.

As you know we have had and continue to hear about many graces and favours received through Catherine’s intercession.  We have investigated many alleged healings to date. This is the first time we have proceeded to a diocesan inquiry and while we cannot be certain that this will lead to beatification, we continue to keep faith and trust in the power of God and the intercessory power of Catherine McAuley.

We are very grateful to each and every one of you for the constant support of your prayers and for the marvellous way by which you give witness to Catherine McAuley’s fame for holiness which is very evident and continues to spread to so many places throughout the world.

Thanking you

Brenda Dolphin


Messages to: Brenda Dolphin rsm

Image: Canonisation Cause. © 2006 Mercy International Association

Vision in Action

Thank you to those who have already sent in your greeting. We have three full pages of these online and have started a fourth! Do we have yours?

All members and friends of the Mercy family are invited to send in your greetings for posting on our mercyworld.org website for Mercy Day. Greetings will be posted online as they are received. We look forward to posting yours!

Greetings should be sent in by Friday, 22 September to make sure they are published for Mercy Day.

Messages to: Anne Walsh - Mercy eNews Editor

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MIA Prayer Intention: World Day of Peace

21 September is the International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") which will be celebrated liturgically on Sunday, 24 September. The theme this year is: 'Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All'.

Let us pray that we might see beyond race, accent, skin colour, gender, language, looks, abilities, income...  to find our common humanity, so that in recognising the humanity of others we may see fully the humanity of all people and work together for peace.

Post your own Prayer or Reflection in our online Chapel

Messages to: Mary Reynolds rsm - Executive Director MIA

In September of 1999, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 53/243 the Declaration and Programme of Action on Culture of Peace. Along with other resolutions, this declaration became the motivation behind the UN-declared International Decade for Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010). Over the decades, through annual resolutions, the General Assembly emphasizes the universal implementation of this agenda.

On September 7th, the UN held its second High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace with a theme “Sowing the Seeds of the Culture of Peace: Early Childhood Development is the Beginning”...

Messages to: Angela Reed rsm - MIA Coordinator at the UN - Mercy Global Action

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Watering the Roots 2018: Presenters Confirmed

The main presenters for the 2018 month-long programme (20 May - 15 June) for Sisters of Mercy have been confirmed as Liz Dowling rsm (ISMAPNG), Mary Sullivan rsm (Americas) and Elizabeth Davis rsm (Newfoundland). 

Sr Liz will be present for the month and will weave a Scripture thread throughout the programme. Sr Mary will expand on her work on the writings and oral instructions of Catherine McAuley and their present-day relevance as Gospel expressions. Sr Elizabeth will help participants to explore further our growing understanding of Mercy Global Presence. The programme will be supported throughout by the staff at Mercy International Centre who will give participants opportunities to engage with the stories of the House, of Catherine and the first women here and our global mercy story today.

Download the flyer: A4 Paper size; US Letter size

Messages to: Anna Nicholls rsm - Team Leader Heritage & Spirituality


MIA Reflection Process
Mercy Global Presence – Emerging

Where the Dream Began

During the last week of March this year, the Institute and Congregation MIRP Co-ordinators, the MIRP Guiding Team, Elizabeth Davis rsm, liaison with the MIA Members (Leaders) and Mary Reynolds rsm, MIA Executive Director, gathered at Baggot Street Dublin to reflect on and share experiences, insights and learnings gained during the Mercy International Reflection Process and to formally close the Process.

From that meeting came the report: "Review of the Mercy International Reflection Process: What has been discovered? What has been revealed?" which was released online to the Mercy world on 21 April and through Congregations and Institutes to all Sisters, partners-in-Mercy and all who engaged in the Process.  Co-ordinators from each Congregation and Institute then met with their respective leaders to discuss the report more fully...

Download the 6 month update:
A4 Paper size (3pps; PDF); US Letter size (3pps; PDF)

Messages to:

Elizabeth Davis rsm
Mary Reynolds rsm
Anne Walsh



We are half-way through the Season of Creation (1 September - 4 October). Since 2 September we have seen daily glimpses of creation on our website homepage, facebook page and twitter account from a number of the countries in which Sisters of Mercy minister and live: USA, Aotearoa New Zealand, Timor Leste, PNG, Newfoundland, South Sudan, Australia, Ireland, Peru.

A slideshow of the images that have appeared so far this season is linked to this item. Enjoy these glimpses of aspects of the beauty of creation as seen through the lenses of Mercy photographers.

Messages to: Anne Walsh - Communications Director MIRP

Image: Victoria Incrivaglia rsm (Americas). Water lily

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MIA Members News
Scripture with Kathleen Rushton rsm (Aotearoa New Zealand)

Slavery is slavery. Kathleen Rushton rsm uncovers the evil of human slavery in her reading of Matthew 18:21-35 and points out how often it is obscured or mistranslated then and in our own times.

Download the article (2pps; PDF)

Messages to: Kathleen Rushton rsm

Thomas Merton on Simplicity of Life and Its Lessons for Sustainability (Americas)

Marilyn Sunderman rsm, Professor of Theology and Chair of the Theology Department at Saint Joseph’s College of Maine, has provided this paper on Thomas Merton. 'The simplicity of life that Thomas Merton wrote about and embraced as a Cistercian monk and discovered embedded in Shakerism provides a pathway for securing a sustainable Earth in the 21st century and beyond', writes Sr Marilyn, citing the writings of Thomas Berry, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Pope Francis as championing the cause of sustainability.

Download the paper here (15pps; PDF)

Messages to: Marilyn Sunderman rsm


Image: Thomas Merton (1915 - 1968) in his studies. Fair use

Mercy Matters
Ordinary Time 25 Year A (Matthew 20:1-16a)

'From 1973 to 1975, I was a student in East Jerusalem. Early each morning, I crossed the road from my home at the Chaldean Patriarchate to the grounds of the Ecole Biblique. I would see the Palestinian day labourers lined up beside their vehicles, waiting for employment....'

Read the Reflection on the Gospel by Veronica Lawson rsm (ISMAPNG)

Listen to the Gospel read by Fr Eamonn O'Connor (Ireland)

The 36 page, A4 size, full colour booklet is both an informative introduction to the First House of Mercy and an attractive souvenir of a visit here. It can be used in preparation— or follow up —for a personal or group pilgrimage and as a resource in schools teaching the story of Catherine McAuley, the spread of Mercy across the globe and the contemporary Mercy story.

Orders to: Margaret Scroope rsm - Team Leader Administration & Finance

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'Apple’s iPhone 7 introduced a much-wanted feature to the iPhone: Stereo speakers.

While it gave us both stereo audio and louder audio it turns out that there is a way to make your iPhone go even louder.

It’s hidden inside the iPhone’s Settings menu and involves tweaking the Equaliser.'

Source: Huffington Post

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1841: Catherine left Birmingham on her last journey - back to Baggot St

1869: Foundation to Wilmington, North Carolina originated from Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Charleston, South Carolina- M Augustine Kent

Contribute a fact about the Story of the Sisters of Mercy in your congregation or institute to our online archive

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Season of Creation Resource (Americas)

The Mid-Atlantic Community Spiritual Life Committee has prepared this Prayer for the Season of Creation and invite readers to use it as part of your observances this month.

For over two decades, Mercy Foundation North has been partnering with the community to raise philanthropic support to enhance the lives of people in the North State area. During this time, Mercy Foundation North  supporters have contributed more than $67 million in charitable gifts. Through the generosity of our donors, the Sisters are able to care for those most in need.

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Further Resources

Worth Playing:

Loreena McKennitt performs 'Dante's Prayer' at the commemorative ceremony  held at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial in France, marking the 100th anniversary of the historic Battle of Vimy Ridge. Watch/listen here (04:48). Lyrics here. Purchase on *iTunes; *Google play

Worth Reading:

-Degradation of Earth

To mark the third World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) published online a new resource entitled Living Out Laudato Si': A Commentary and Practical Resource for Canadian Catholics. The resource is organized into six chapters, each based on one of the six chapters of the encyclical. While much of the content addresses the Canadian context, each chapter concludes with a series of reflection questions and resources for action which have general application. Available free for download here (30 pps; PDF).

Worth Watching:
-Degradation of Earth

The five sessions on critical topics including the future of energy; the role of the private sector; state, city, and international efforts; bipartisan U.S. leadership; and citizen engagement and activism from the Yale Climate Conference being held 18-19 September, 2017, are being livestreamed. Details of the presenters and access to the recordings can be found here

Worth a Visit:
If in/visiting Australia

Songlines: Tracking the Seven Sisters

The first exhibition of its kind, attempting to tell in an exhibition space an Indigenous founding narrative by using Indigenous ways of passing on knowledge. Visit the website

The Bottom Line:

'The call to welcome a stranger is a call to show honour to God’s possibility in another...These are not easy times for those who find themselves labeled “strangers” by those with fearful hearts and hostile intent. May those of us led by God’s Spirit keep honouring the possibility that we will meet the Holy in one whom we first encountered as stranger.'

Rev. Dr. Nancy Cocks, Spirited Reflection: Honouring the Stranger, Canada

Send suggestions and contributions for the 'Worth...' section 2017 to: the Editor

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Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global
								poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide.
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Mercy International Association Limited
Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263. Public Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2. Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors: Sister Denise Fox (ANZ), Sister Sheila Carney (US), Ron Ashworth (US), Susan Clarke (GB), Sister Colette Cronin (GB), Mary Moorhead (IRL), Kevin Hoy (IRL), Sister Margaret Casey (IRL), Sister Scholasticah Nganda (IRL)