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Mercy Enews
No. 544 | 27 November 2013

Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, used her inheritance in service of the needs of her time. Today, Sisters of Mercy, through Mercy International Association, use their resources to respond to issues of global poverty demonstrated in the massive displacement of persons worldwide...This vision keeps alive the founding spirit of Catherine among peoples of the world most in need of God's compassion and mercy.
from the MIA Visioning Statement 2007


Mercy Responses to Hydrofracking (MGA)

Editor. The efforts of Mercy Sisters and Partners in Ministry to educate, advocate and take action in response to hydrofracking was very much in evidence in the lead up to and since Global Frackdown Day ( 19 October).

In this issue of Mercy e-news we are publishing a number of reports on events that were organised to highlight this critical issue for all Members of MIA.

Mercy Global Action Initiative for Global Frackdown Day in Aotearoa New Zealand
Mercy Global Action Initiative for Global Frackdown Day in Southern Province, The Congregation
Mercy Global Action Initiative for Global Frackdown Day in Newfoundland

for Global Frackdown Day in Newfoundland
Ode to Newfoundland
Mercy Global Action initiative for Global frackdown day in Australia

Previously published reports are linked to this item.

Messages to: Mary Purcell - Assistant Director Mercy Global Action


Further Resources

Worth Hearing:
Simone Campbell, SSS
Sister Simone Campbell, leader of the “Nuns on the Bus” shared her thoughts about current economic conditions, including a brief history of economics in the United States, and how faith fits into the picture in a talk given at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral.

She concluded her talk on Nov. 16 by sharing what those themes mean for people who care about their nation, families, and cities, and what they can do to make a difference. Listen to the talk here (1:26:37)

Worth Considering:
Advent eRetreat
Best-selling author and poet Edwina Gateley will introduce you to five great women from the monastic tradition: Hildegärd of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, Mechtild of Magdeburg, Brigid of Kildare and Pema Chödrön.
This five-week retreat that begins December 2 and concludes January 5. One week left to enrol. More details can be found here

 Worth Taking the Virtual Tour:
The Catacombs
Google maps unveiled their latest project this week - a digital map of the Catacombs of Priscilla.

The Catacombs were underground chambers and tunnels carved in the volcanic rock under Rome, and used for Christian burials from late in the second through the fourth centuries. More than 40 have been discovered. They were decorated with wall paintings of saints and Christian symbols. Archaeologists are continueing to explore them and some are currently undergoing restoration work. Take the virtual tour here

Worth Knowing:

Religions for Peace (RfP) speak out against Climate Change
Religions for Peace (RfP) 'Different Faiths, Common Action' convened its 9th World Assembly, attended by 600 religious leaders, from 20-22 November 2013 in Vienna, Austria. Videos uploaded from the Conference Speakers and presenters can be found here Christy Brown of Louisville delivered the keynote address urging faith leaders to care for the earth. Excerpts from her address can be found here. The Huffington Post report on the talk can be read here

The Pope says NOPE (Not on Planet Earth) to Fracking and Mega-mining

Most Americans Don’t Know What Fracking Is
An informative article in the Smithsonian.com to help us all understand it. Read it here

The people who brought us the video 'Fracking explained: opportunity or danger', previously featured in Mercy E-news, have just released 'Climate Change & the Global Conveyor Belt'. Watch it here (5:05)

Human Trafficking
Polaris Project Release longitudinal study on Trafficking
Some 9,000 US cases between 2008 and 2012 are analyzed in a report released last Thursday (21/11) by the Polaris Project, the organization that operates the national trafficking hot line. Among the findings: Children were victims in 33 percent of sex trafficking cases and 20 percent of labor trafficking cases. Read the Report here

The Freedom Project
CNN ihas joined the fight to end modern-day slavery by shining a spotlight on the horrors of modern-day slavery, amplifying the voices of the victims, highlighting success stories and helping unravel the complicated tangle of criminal enterprises trading in human life. Read why they are doing this. Find out more. Keep up to date

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Mercy International Association Limited

Registered in Ireland.
Certificate Number 194263
Public Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Office: Mercy International Association, 11 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2
Registered Charity no CHY 10078
Directors:Sister Patricia McDermott (US), Peter Burnett, Sister Colette Cronin (British), Maura Hyland, Sister Margaret Casey,
James Peppiatt-Combes (US) and Sister Denise Fox (NZ)