MECPATHS: Responding with Compassion to Critical Issues of Injustice
One of the most critical issues of injustice is the concerning problem of Child Trafficking and the need for the voices of children, caught in worlds of trafficking for exploitation, to be heard.
MECPATHS (founded in 2013 by The Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy) is the only organisation in Ireland which focuses specifically on this issue. MECPATHS is “committed to supporting many industries in Ireland in their active countering of the exploitation of children, including the Hospitality Industry who remain at the core of our focus.” MECPATHS
This year MECPATHS is 10 years in existence. Read the founding members’ reflections here.
MECPATHS co-hosted a high-level round-table engagement at the European Parliament offices in Dublin with Maria Walsh M.E.P. and an invited panel .L-R Maria Walsh M.E.P., Paula Kearney (ICON), Nusha Yonkova (IHREC), Dr. Jane Mulcahy (University of Limerick) Ann Mara and JP O' Sullivan (MECPATHS), Nuala Ward (Ombudsman for Children Office).
Vision in Action
Mercy Ministries Formation
Mercy Mission Formation Network Conference 2023
Mercy Ministries Formation
Mercy Mission Formation Network Conference 2023
The Network conference was held in Brisbane 14-16 June 2023. Alofa Lale (Mission Coordinator) wrote the following reflection:
“It was my pleasure to attend the MMFN Conference for Mission leaders of Mercy entities in Australia and NZ. I joined Sister Denise Fox (Chair of Whanau Mercy Ministries), Sister Raylene Dwyer and Sister Tina Vaeatangitau (Congregation Leaders) to make up the delegation of four from NZ. It was a great opportunity to connect with other Mission leaders and to see how they weave the Mercy Charism or Mercy Spirit into their organisations. The Mercy Charism is invisible, it is interactive and it is mysterious. It is the way we do things that promotes mercy and ultimately love for one another. The Mercy Charism is alive and well when we live out our Mercy Values of Hiranga Excellence; Atawhai Care; Whakaute Respect; Kotahitanga Collaboration. Let us treat one another with mercy and love as Catherine McAuley the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, would too if she were here today. Blessings and peace,” Alofa Lale (Mission Coordinator)
Mercy Global Action
Conference for Mercy Higher Education
Mercy Global Action
Conference for Mercy Higher Education
Mercy Global Action Advocacy Training
The Conference for Mercy Higher Education (CMHE) recently visited the Mercy Global Action (MGA) office.
The visit coincided with the global observance of World Environment Day. and served as a meaningful reminder of the importance of preserving our planet and collaborating towards a sustainable future.
During CMHE’s visit, our team here in MGA had the privilege of hosting a workshop, where we had the opportunity to share insights into our work at the United Nations and engage in discussions about the pressing issues that fuel our passion for social and environmental justice.
Image: MIA-MGA
Mercy Matters
On This Day
JUNE 28, 1855
Foundation to Baltimore from Pittsburgh - M Catherine Wynne
JUNE 28, 1923
100 years ago: Aldeburgh Convent, Suffolk was founded from Abingdon, Berkshire, England - Sr Francis Boulger.
Contribute a fact from your Mercy congregation, institute, or federation, to our online archive. It is amazing to discover all the connections in Mercy
Mercy International Association
A Reflection on our Experience as Volunteers in Mercy International Centre
Lori and Mike Williams (Mercy Associates from the United States) walked through the red doors of Mercy International Centre on April 13th 2023.
For the next six weeks they enriched the lives of everyone they met, becoming very much part of the Mercy International Centre’s community here in Baggot St. and using their many skills to make everyone feel welcome.
Following their return home both Lori and Mike wrote about their experiences as volunteers.
Sr. Phuong's Final Vows
Sister Phuong Dong made her profession of perpetual vows on Saturday, June 10, at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Belmont, North Carolina.
In Mercy eNews Issue 780 you will have received the link to join the celebration with her. If you missed it you can view it here. In this issue we share an account of the ceremony.
We offer Phuong many congratulations and pray blessings on her continuing life and mission in Mercy
Young Mercy Leaders
Young Mercy Leaders in Mercy International Centre
It is an exciting and busy week for Mercy International Association as we welcome Young Mercy Leaders from all across the world - South Africa, America and Belize. Follow us this week on MIA’s social media channels for all the latest updates and workshop videos. There will be coverage of YML Dublin 2023 to follow in the next edition of Mercy eNews.
Further Resources
Worth Reading
#Beat Plastic Pollution Campaign - An Update
World Environment Day 2023 was a reminder that people’s actions on plastic pollution matters. In Issue 979 we drew your attention to the event which occurred on June 5th. Here we offer you the update on that event.
This report (see link below) highlights and celebrates all the initiatives undertaken to find solutions to plastic pollution. The report offers solutions in the #Beat Plastic Campaign. There is also a report on how the world can end plastic pollution. Be inspired!
It is time to #BeatPlasticPollution.
A Global Effort to Beat Plastic Pollution)
Worth Watching
World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Ahead of the 109th World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR), which is being celebrated Sunday, September 24, 2023, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (DPIHD) invites us to join on a journey together,
For this month, they have chosen to examine the issue of The causes of forced migration. We are all called to reflect upon and answer the question: What are we doing to create a more just and peaceful world for all?
View the videos on the website Pope Francis's Message)
Worth Knowing
Save the Date!
Mercy Emerging Leaders Fellowship
In 2020, the Mercy Global Action office awarded ten women a twelve month Fellowship. Due to the coronavirus, the program was postponed until 2022 when the world began to resume travel. The graduating Fellows have prepared extensive research presentations on various Mercy justice issues. These research presentations (each lasting 30 mins with Q & A) will be conducted via hybrid format on Thursday, July 13th at 10:00 AM Dublin Time (GMT+1) during their final virtual immersion next week. We invite you to attend any/all of these presentations. Register for the research presentations here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining presentation.
We are also pleased to invite you to virtually attend the graduation of our Mercy Global Action Emerging Leader Fellows which will be held on Monday, July 17th at 10:00 AM Dublin Time (GMT+1). The Keynote Presentation will be given by Professor Azza Karam. Register to attend the graduation here.
Learn more about the MELF Programme View the Presentations)
Mercy eNews
The newsletter of Mercy International Association is published monthly and distributed to subscribers via email. If you have any queries about the newsletter, please contact
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