Lenten Spirituality Series: Patricia O'Donovan rsm
You are invited to journey through the Lenten season with Mercy International through spirituality, prayer, and reflection. There will be video and written Lenten reflections each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The theme of our prayer and reflection this Lent is 'Journey'.
Please complete the form linked here to register for the Lenten Reflection Series.
English: Patricia O'Donovan rsm, Ireland
Patricia O'Donovan is a Sister of Mercy from Ireland. Patricia is the CEO of Mercy International Association and is based in Dublin, Ireland. Patricia's video reflection is titled 'Holy Week: A Journey of Mercy in Love.'
Español: Patricia O'Donovan rsm
Patricia O'Donovan es una Hermana de la Misericordia de Irlanda. Patricia es la Directora General de la Asociación Internacional de la Misericordia y tiene su sede en Dublín, Irlanda. El vídeo de reflexión de Patricia se titula "Semana Santa: Un viaje de misericordia en el amor".